Did you know that booking directly through the hotel, rather through 3rd party sites, can oftentimes help you save lots of money on your SF Hotel?
At the Kensington Park Hotel we always offer our guests the best rates when they book direct. In fact, using this link, guests can receive 10% off their booking.
Other ways to save are to:
- Check before booking whether your hotel of choice has added amenity fees. Amenity fees, also known as resort fees, can vary from $15/night upwards of $40/night. The Kensington Park Hotel does not charge any amenity fees. We also offer complimentary coffee and biscotti, sherry, tea, wifi & more!
- Book in advance! Rates tend to get higher as the stay date gets closer. Also, many hotels offer discounts for booking early!
- Check the specials page before booking. There are often special offers that are available on that page but not available on the booking engine.